Here for Families

At Grace, we love families, and we want to support and encourage them to thrive! Our clubs and groups help children to build friendships, have fun, and hear about Jesus for themselves. On a Sunday, our meetings are intentionally designed to be accessible for the whole family, learning together. And we provide families with access to great materials, seminars, courses and resources.

For 0-4s + parent

Thursdays 10 - 11.30am
The Addison Centre

  • Our playgroup for families, where children can enjoy a big hall full of toys, craft, storytime from the Bible, snack, songs and bubbles. Babies can enjoy soft mats and toys in the baby corner. Parents will also receive a warm welcome and refreshments.

    Cost: £2/week; (£1/additional sibling). Or pay for a whole term upfront: £20 (£10/sibling).
    Contactless available.

    Essential: Please ensure you complete the Parental Consent form 2024-25

  • Leaders:
    Anna Evans

    More Information: Contact

For up to Year 1 + Dad /Grandad

First Saturday of the month 9.30 - 11am
Soft Play at
John Bunyan Sports & Fitness

  • Spend a Saturday morning with your kids (give mum the morning off!). Enjoy coffee and cake and hang out with other Dads.

    Cost: £2/week; (£1/additional sibling). Contactless available.

    Essential: Please ensure you complete the Parental Consent form 2024-25

  • Sept 7th 

    Oct 5th

    Nov 2nd

    Dec 7th


    Jan 4th

    Feb 1st

    Mar 1st

    Apr 5th

    May 3rd

    Jun 7th

    July 5th

  • Leaders:
    Graham Albans

    More Information: Contact

Years 1-4

Wednesdays 6 - 7pm
The Addison Centre

  • A full evening of fun: Crazy challenges, games galore, scrumptious snacks, fab craft, dramatic Bible story-telling and oddles of other awesome activities.

    Cost: £2/week; or pay for a whole term upfront: £20. Contactless available.

    Essential: Please ensure you complete the Parental Consent form 2024-25

  • Leaders:
    Andy & Caroline Paxon

    More Information: Contact

Invite a friend!

Download & Share an invite…

Years 5-8

Fridays 7 - 8.15pm
and Kempston Centenary Hall

  • Our programme includes firm favourites like: a chip crawl, glow-in-the dark night, nerf battles, giant cluedo, wide games, paint wars & pizza, with massive amounts of sport, games & crafts too. Each week will also include some tasty tuck and a chance to ask big questions as we dig into the Bible.

    Cost: £2/week; or pay for a whole term upfront: £20. Contactless available.

    Essential: Please ensure you complete the Parental Consent form 2024-25

  • TBC

  • Leaders: Tim & Sian Eaves

    More Information: Contact

Years 9-13

Events throughout the year

  • Leaders: Vicky Atkinson

    More Information: Contact

Bible Study

Years 6-8

Two Mondays a month
6.30 - 7.30pm
At leaders’ home (Kempston)

  • Enjoy the dreamy combo of food, games & explore more of what the Bible has to say.

    Essential: Please ensure you complete the Parental Consent form 2024-25

  • Leaders: Dave & Emma Holloway

    More Information: Contact

  • 20 Jan
    3 Feb
    24 Feb
    10 Mar
    24 Mar

Bible Study

Years 9 - 13

Mondays 7 - 8pm (Girls group)

Tuesdays 7 - 8pm (Boys & Girls groups)

At leaders’ homes (Kempston)

  • A midweek chance to dig a bit deeper into the Bible, as well as hanging out with others in homes of friends.

    Essential: Please ensure you complete the Parental Consent form 2024-25

  • Leader: Karen Jones

    More Information: Contact

Important Information

Relating to all of our groups and clubs


At Grace, we never want costs to prevent people attending our groups or events. If finances are a burden, please feel able to speak to your group leader or contact us if we can help with the costs.

Additionally you may want to see if any of our financial support help is relevant to you.

Parental Consent

Please complete a form for each child attending any of our groups. This is important for safety, safeguarding, proper care and communication.

NB To be completed once per academic year.


All of the volunteers and staff involved in our children’s groups are DBS checked and have regular safeguarding training.

For more information, or to raise a concern: Go to our Safeguarding page

Family Life

Partnering with you

We put on, and flag-up helpful seminars, courses and resources to help parents be even better parents! You’ll find loads of resources - from podcasts, books, videos and articles to help support you and your family, whatever age your children are, and whether things are going ‘to plan’ or not…

Sunday Services for families

At Grace every Sunday is a Family Service

We value the importance of worshipping together as a family -intergenerationally, therefore do be reassured we don’t mind the noise & movement that come with young families!

The services are intentionally accessible for the whole family, including a Bitesize slot and a follow-along activity sheets for young children. There is also a retreat space in the foyer if little ones are getting too fractious for your liking. This is set up with a few toys for them, and a livestream screen for you to continue following the service.
You may want to listen to our regular songs together at home so that they are more familiar.

Additionally, we do offer two groups for the younger children to access during both morning services:

For 0-3s

  • A ‘drop off’ creche facility that allowing you to leave your child and return to hear the sermon yourself. During this time (approx 40 mins) they will be cared for, have time to play, do some simple drawing /craft, have a snack, Bible story time and songs and start to form friendships.

    Essential: Please ensure you complete the Parental Consent form 2024-25

For 3 year olds - Year 1

  • Children can be ‘dropped off’, and you can return to the church service to hear the sermon yourself. During this time (approx 40 mins) they will have fun learning about Jesus with an engaging Bible story, linking craft, songs and time to play and get to know others in church their own age.

    Essential: Please ensure you complete the Parental Consent form 2024-25

Special Events

Especially for Families, Children & Youth

Throughout the year we have events to look out for. In a typical year, we have Easter Weekend Special, End of Year Family Special for our children’s groups, Big Sunday Picnics /Lunches, family-friendly Remembrance Service and a lively Kids Carol Service at Christmas.

Coming up

Join us for a big buffet picnic and hang out with other families!


1 - 2.30pm, Food served in the Addison Centre. Picnic in the park adjacent. Anyone can come along, bring food if you can, but don’t worry if you can’t! Hope to see you there!


“If there are ways we can support your family at the moment, or you would just like to know more about our various groups, get in touch.”

Hazel Davies - Families, Children & Youth Co-ordinator