About Grace
We’re a thriving church made up of people from all walks of life, committed to loving God and loving people.
We have been serving the communities of Kempston and Bedford for over 45 years and are passionate about telling people about the Lord Jesus and seeing our town flourish.
As a church, we usually meet in the Addison Centre on a Sunday, but also run groups for all ages throughout the week right across the town.
Whatever your family shape - single mum, elderly couple or 2.4 children - you are very welcome at Grace.
The infinite love, mercy, favour, and goodwill shown to humanity by God. We are more deeply flawed than we can imagine, yet we are at the same time more deeply loved than we ever dared hope.
Our primary responsibility is to love and care for the people we live amongst. Many of us live in and around the town which needs to hear the good news of Jesus Christ and see His love in action through His follower’s service.
Those who trust in and follow Jesus. It is all about a community or family of Christians who love and serve Him, and so are also committed to each other.

Where did it all begin?
Grace Community Church was formed in 1972 by twelve Christian believers who had a vision for a church that was relevant, contemporary and Biblical.
God has been wonderfully generous to the church both in terms of facilities and leadership, as it has grown over nearly 50 years to more than 500 people. We have moved several times to enable continued growth, planted other churches and in 2008 began meeting at the Addison Centre, our present home.
The church is a mainstream Christian church, holding to the evangelical Christian faith. It is affiliated to the FIEC (the Fellowship of Independent Evangelical Churches) along with 600 other churches in the UK and fully agrees with the Confession of Faith of that group of churches (www.fiec.org.uk).
The church has always actively supported numerous overseas projects, from Switzerland to the Seychelles, and with a particular heart for the people of Africa.
Other exciting milestones include opening our Kempston Church Office at Project 229 in 2004, enabling us to work very closely with many groups serving the local community. In the past eight years this local community hub has proven invaluable in our efforts to support many individuals and families from the town.
One of these efforts has been through The NET, a support group helping isolated families in the community, together with the Well-Woman workshops, giving women time and space to think, as well as numerous other courses and small groups.
Some years ago Balliol Lower School approached us to co-fund a family support worker at the school, and in 2010 the church opened a Christians Against Poverty CAP Centre. Christians Against Poverty is a national charity helping people struggling with the issue of debt.
The Borough Council have partnered with us in running larger events in the community, such as Chill in the Park and Carols in the Park, both giving great opportunities to celebrate God’s goodness to us with local people.

Where we are heading?
Because lost people matter to God, we want to impact our community for Christ – we want to grow! We believe that numerical growth is normal for a healthy church.
We want each person to grow in their relationship to Christ – spiritual growth, and also to see the whole of life as being lived for Him. To help focus on that we talk about ‘3Ms’ as goals for personal development.
Maturity – growing in love for God, and behaviour like Christ.
Mission – growing by reaching out to the world around us.
Ministry – growing in serving others in the church & in the world.
What is grace?
Undeserved... extravagant... amazing
It’s a massive privilege to share with you the news that even before we gave God a thought, He loved us and sent his Son to be our rescuer.
This is what the Christian faith is all about, and what the Bible means by ‘grace’.Jesus lived the life we should have lived, and died the death we deserved to die. Because of the cross and resurrection of Jesus we can now fully rely on him to give us forgiveness for our past, his continuing presence for today and a great hope as we face eternity…