We give, because he gave
Grace is a strong community serving each other, our town and further afield. We are entirely self-funded by gifts from people like you, who call Grace your church family.
Giving financially, regularly and sacrificially to your church family allows us to sustain our life together as a community, support all our developed and emerging ministries, sharing the good news of Jesus and giving to the poor and vulnerable in the town and beyond.
If you consider yourself part of the Grace family and enjoy the benefits, we encourage you to contribute financially. If you’ve been ‘friends’ so far, then starting to give regularly is a great way of saying “I want to be family!”
Give to Grace
Grace Community Church bank details
Account name: Grace Community Church Bedford Account no: 34688676
Sort code: 60–12–45
Name of bank: NatWest Bedford

Why do we need support?
Nearly all of our income comes from donations. These donations are used for the general operations and activities of running the Church and amount to £500,000.
In addition, we need donations to support the following:
Training Fund
We are committed to training and have supported 13 people in recent years, some of whom have left to work in other churches in the UK and some have stayed with us.
Building Fund
As God increases the size of the Church, we need more space and, while we currently rent our premises, we are actively looking to develop our own purpose built Church and community centre.
Needy Persons Fund
We want to be able to care for those in our community who have urgent financial needs from time to time. In response to need, we also have appeals at various times. Recent examples have been the explosion in Beirut and a financial support fund for those in our community affected by COVID 19.'
Further information
Why Christians Give?
At Grace we believe that our God owns everything and He provides according to His steadfast will and plan.
When we give as Christ gave, we joyfully become poor for the sake of others, we recognize Christ as supreme in our lives, we place reliance on him to provide our needs, and we can begin to remove the idol of money and consumerism from our hearts.
Download Giving at Grace here
Download Legacies and Wills here
Financial oversight: Our finances are overseen by a team led by Chris Almond. See below for more information.
Financial stewardship: Read more here
Gift Aid at Grace
As a UK registered charity, the Church benefits from Gift Aid. Nearly all our regular donors fill out a Gift Aid Declaration which enables us to increase their gifts by 25%. In the last financial year, these donations totalled £325,000 and resulted in the Church receiving another £82,000 in Gift Aid. Together, these represented 90% of the Church's income. A Gift Aid Declaration can be downloaded here.
To be able to Gift Aid:
You must be a UK taxpayer.
You need to have paid at least as much in Income Tax or Capital Gains Tax as the amount we, and any other charities you make donations to, claim. If not, HMRC may ask you to repay the difference.
Donations must be made in your own name and not on behalf of someone else or as part of a joint Declaration.
You need to keep Grace informed of any changes in your circumstances, such as a change of name, address, or if you are no longer a taxpayer.

Hi, my name is Chris. I am a chartered accountant. My wife Becky and I have been members of Grace for over 40 years!
I am the Elder responsible for finances and oversee the Finance Team which comprises part-time employees and volunteers. Our main team aim is to ensure that the Grace finances are managed in a way that honours God. In particular, that the recording processes are efficient, effective and full of integrity and that the finances of Grace are sufficiently transparent. That the income is enough to meet Grace’s objectives and that expenditures are properly authorised and controlled.
Any questions, you can email me here
It’s a great privilege to serve God by giving of our time, skills and money, all in response to his giving up his most treasured Son, Jesus.