Loving our town
The church, as a community of people who are followers of Jesus, is here to serve our wider community.
We want to model how good community life can be when the Lord Jesus is trusted and followed.
Here are a number of projects and groups that Grace run in the local community to support, help and encourage people in their daily lives:
Physical, Emotional, Social and Spiritual Wellbeing, Life Long learning and Creativity are the topics covered in this highly successful course.
If you are new to the area or struggling with life right now then please contact the church office to discuss whether this might be a suitable group for you.
Find out more: Email Heather
Christians Against Poverty is a national award-winning debt counselling charity offering hope and a solution to anyone in debt.
Based at Project 229, Bedford Road, Kempston it is available to all struggling with the problem of debt, regardless of whether you are currently a part of Grace or not.
Find out more: Email Karen
Even in a busy little town people can feel isolated. The NET runs on 2 mornings a week during term time, and aims to support those who are experiencing isolation for whatever reason.
If you are new to the area, or struggling with life right now then please contact the church office to discuss whether this might be a suitable group for you.
Find out more: Email Louise
The Shed is a free group which exists to serve men in the community who for whatever reason find themselves isolated and in need some support. It’s open to all men and there’s nothing on the agenda, just chat and friendship.
Held on Friday’s at Project 229, from 10am-12midday.
Find out more: Email Graham
In partnership with the Trussell Trust, Grace Community Church operates a Foodbank distribution centre at Project 229.
Foodbank runs on Fridays between 1pm and 3pm at Project 229.
Find out more: Email Graham
When Jewels came to our Foodbank for help, it was only the start of a journey that became about more than just putting food on the table.
Those with a voucher from one of Foodbank’s local referral partners can come on Fridays between 1pm and 3pm to pick up sufficient food for 3 days worth of food to cover a period of crisis (something that can occur to people in all walks of life).
Foodbank is just another way we as a church extend God’s grace to our community and some who have accessed our Foodbank have been able to to connect with some of the other things we provide, be it the Shed, CAP, or the NET.

Hi I’m Karen, I’m a member at Grace and attend with my family. I run the Grace CAP Centre.