In this area of the website, you will find invitations for all the upcoming events at Grace.
We have created these resources in a variety of formats for you to easily send to friends and loved ones via email, text, WhatsApp etc. As well as these digital resources, there will also be the usual range of printed resources available for you to take on a Sunday.
Here are some of the events that are coming up in the next few months to keep an eye out for and invite people along to:
Big Sunday Lunch
Prime Times -Lunches

Here are some of the groups and clubs for children, youth and their families that run during the week.
For more information about these groups head to the Families, Children & Youth page:
Parental Consent Form
Is required each academic year for each child attending our groups & clubs.
FCY clubs & groups -general
FCY clubs invite (pdf)
Playtime invite (jpg)
Dadtime invite (jpg)
Tiktaks invite (jpg)
Kaos invite (jpg)
Missing something?
Get in touch with the comms team and we’ll help if we can - email comms@graceinthecommunity.com