Support Ukraine
The most important thing for God’s people here is to PRAY for the people of Ukraine and in particular for the Christians there. But we can also HELP practically.
Pray for Peace in Ukraine
Here is a downloadable prayer guide created for the global day of prayer.
You can use the guide personally, or with a group, to pray.
Some organisations that can
help us help Ukraine …
EMF have been working with their partners in Ukraine, Moldova, Romania and Poland who are in a position to provide shelter and support for refugees - either working through their church, or sister evangelical churches.
“Many of the evangelical churches we work with, both in Ukraine and in neighbouring Moldova, Poland and Romania are actively helping refugees. They would deeply appreciate any support we can give them.”
Follow updates & PRAY via the EMF Blog
GIVE financially to EMF Ukraine Emergency Appeal to support evangelical churches who are helping refugees from the Ukraine crisis.
Barnabas Fund works to provide hope and aid for the persecuted Church, from Christians, to Christians, through Christians.
“Our partners in Ukraine have long experience of distributing food through local churches to Christians in poor areas, both in the capital Kyiv and in rural regions.”
GIVE financially to Barnabas fund to provide Food and basic needs for Christians in Ukraine.
GIVE practically via drop off points -Food, blankets, clothes.
The Sanctuary Foundation is a new coalition of charities and church groups, set up to support new arrivals from Ukraine.
“We are…asking individuals, community groups, churches, schools and businesses to register their interest in becoming a sponsor.
Potential ways you could be involved include:
Welcoming a Ukrainian family to live in your community
Finding and possibly furnishing suitable accommodation
Raising of support funds
Befriending and integration support through volunteering your time”
“The UK government has announced it is developing a new humanitarian sponsorship programme that will allow an unlimited number of Ukrainian families to come to the UK.”
Declaring your interest will greatly assist the development and acceleration of this vital provision for Ukrainian refugees.
Register your PLEDGE to SUPPORT or GIVE financially to the Sanctuary Foundation
We are continuing to support, train and equip the UK Church to provide a culturally sensitive, compassionate and warm Welcome to all refugees and people seeking asylum.
The journey of a refugee does not end when they arrive in this country. The journey of recovery from trauma, to feeling safe, secure, loved and welcome into a new society and community can take months if not years. With our help, the Church provides an ongoing Welcome of loving care and support.
GIVE financially to Welcome Churches to equip a church to provide hands-on support to refugees to refugees including those from Ukraine.
Helping Christians, charities and churches activate generosity, resource their calling and make a difference in Jesus' name.
“Stewardship has been working hard to help and support our Christian partners who are working on the ground in Ukraine, many with local churches and field workers who are reaching out to those fleeing war and conflict. In times of huge uncertainty and turmoil, the Church offers Jesus’ love and peace through practical help and a safe place of refuge.”
Discover more Christian charities that are helping in Ukraine and GIVE financially through the Stewardship website.
God is our refuge and strength, an ever-present help in trouble.
Therefore we will not fear, though the earth give way and the mountains fall into the heart of the sea.
Psalm 46:1-2