We want people to connect relationally and grow spiritually
Grace is a growing church and our desire is that people build meaningful relationships of support and encouragement. Our weekly homegroups are central to this.
We help each other know Jesus more by praying, reading the Bible and discussing life together – as we support each other in the ordinary and extraordinary aspects of our lives.
We make Jesus known by finding ways to serve our local communities, places of education or work and the wider town by sharing the gospel and helping practically.
Hi, I’m Jon
We currently have 28 homegroups to choose from, happening all round the area, on different days and at different times. I’d love to talk to you further about homegroups and help find one thats suits you - fill in the form below and I’ll be in touch.
Get in touch.
Fill in the form for more information about homegroups, and how to join one at a time that suits you.

Belonging to a homegroup is about building community and being part of a committed and loving family where friendships develop, people grow, gifts are used, and new-comers are welcomed.
The church we read about in Scripture lived in incredible, powerful, intimate community.
We think they did a great job, and we want to follow their model of meeting together.
The 1st Century church may have met together in their thousands, but relationships would have been formed between dozens. Our homegroups are our primary venue for discipleship, mutual pastoral care, and community. They are the context where people will be known by others and find more intimate and organic community as Sunday services can grow in size.
The early church met together young and old, so we meet together CROSS-GENERATIONALLY.
They met together GEOGRAPHICALLY, so we encourage people to find the home group located closest to their home.
They met each other's needs, so we MEET OTHERS NEEDS within home groups – not another benevolent model.
They studied the Scriptures, so we have SCRIPTURE-BASED STUDY.
Acts 2:42-47 depicts a wonderful, counter-cultural community life and at Grace we want to empower Jesus' followers to emulate this.
If you want to grow, join a homegroup.
If you want to serve, join a homegroup.
If you want to connect, join a homegroup.
If you want accountability, join a homegroup.
If you want to be cared for, and care for others, practically, and through prayer...
Join a homegroup!

I am Bunmi, married to Olu with 3 children aged between 12 and 17. We have been coming to Grace for over 20 years.