Get in touch

Tell us what you think…

If you have recently attended something organised by Grace, we would love to hear how you got on.


Find out more…

Please select /fill in the form and we’ll point you in the right direction for more information.

How do I get more involved?

We endeavour to meet everybody who is new, but if you plan to keep coming back, it would help us a lot if you would make yourself known to us by filling in the form on this page or completing a ‘just visiting’ card on a Sunday. The form asks for your email address so that we can send you our weekly newsletter. But don’t worry, we won’t spam you or pass on your info to anyone else!


Newcomers lunch

Our Newcomers Lunches are a great chance to eat some free food, meet some other people from Grace and find out a bit more about us.

Joining the family

This is a five-week course exploring Grace life in more depth, and what becoming a member looks like.

Meet our staff team and leaders