Sermon Series Archive:
Building for the Kingdom
Studies in Nehemiah
Sunday Mornings July 2022
Nehemiah faced some serious opposition when he set about rebuilding the broken-down walls of Jerusalem. He prayed, he planned, he worked to bring people together, to stand strong and to carry on the project God had called him to complete.
Recommended resources for this series
Ezra, Nehemiah, and Esther [Preaching the Word] -Restoring the Church:
Designed to help modern readers understand and apply the messages of Nehemiah (and others), this commentary by pastor Wallace P. Benn walks carefully through the text. Part of Crossway’s award-winning Preaching the Word commentary series, this volume offers insightful observations, powerful illustrations, and practical applications to equip readers to see how these accounts of restoration and God’s covenant faithfulness bear witness to his faithfulness through his Son, Jesus Christ. Get the book
Nehemiah For You -Strength to Build for God:
The book of Nehemiah chronicles a key moment in the history of God's people: the rebuilding of the walls of Jerusalem after the return from exile.
But we don't walk away from this book just knowing about a rebuilt wall. Nehemiah helps us think through any type of rebuilding we might do for God—from our homes and families to our local church, our communities and our world. It teaches us about gospel mission.
Urban pastor Dr. Eric Mason unpacks this rich book verse by verse. He explains the context, gives plenty of application for our lives today, and shows us what it looks like to get involved in God's work to build his kingdom.
This expository guide can be read as a book; used as a devotional; and utilised in teaching and preaching. Get the book