Sermon Series Archive:
Keep Going
Series on 1 Peter
Peter writes to Christians going through a tough time, and tempted to perhaps give up. He encourages them to persevere, and to keep living distinctive lives which bear witness to the grace of God. This call isn’t easy, but with God’s help we can live for him through the most challenging seasons.
Recommended resources for this series
1 Peter, Following Jesus: 48 Undated Bible Readings:
The Christian life is wonderful, but it is rarely easy. At times we might even feel burdened with ‘all kinds of trials’ just like Peter’s first readers. Peter understood the secret of keeping going in the Christian life. J. Marsden’s expositional devotion is ideal for those new to reading the Bible and will also suit more experienced readers.
Get the book
1–2 Peter and Jude NIV Scripture Journal: The NIV Scripture Journals contain the entirety of each New Testament book, coupled with lined note pages on the opposite page of the scripture text. They are ideal for use as personal study books, sermon note-taking or creative Bible Journaling. Get the book
Being the Bad Guys - How to Live for Jesus in a World That Says You Shouldn't: The church used to be recognised as a force for good, but this is changing rapidly. Christians are now often seen as the bad guys, losing both respect and influence.
Stephen McAlpine offers an analysis of how our culture ended up this way and explains key points of tension between biblical Christianity and secular culture. He encourages Christians not to be ashamed of the gospel as it is more liberating, fulfilling and joyful than anything the world has to offer. He also offers strategies for coping in this world, with its opposing values, and for reaching out to others wisely with the truth. Get the book
Evangelism As Exiles - Life On Mission As Strangers In Our Own Land: The days of cultural Christianity are fading. It's time to rethink normal. Suffering and exclusion are normal in a believer’s life. At least they should be. This was certainly Jesus's experience. And it's the experience of countless Christians around the world today.
Drawing on years of ministry in a Muslim-majority nation, Elliot Clark guides us through Peter’s letter with striking insights for today. Whether we’re in positions of power or weakness, influence or marginalisation, all of us are called to live and witness as exiles in a world that’s not our home. This is our job description. This is our mission. This is our opportunity. Get the book
Watch The Bible Project overview of 1 Peter: