Sermon Series Resources
Discover resources that will help you -and your family- to dig deeper into what are learning together on Sundays.
Current Sermon Series
As we look into the second half of 2 Samuel we see the decline of David's kingdom as a result of his sin with Bathsheba. As 'the wheels come off' we're left wondering where a good and righteous King can come from.
Paul's second letter to the Thessalonians encourages us to stand firm in Jesus, when it can often feel difficult in our culture.
Sermon Series Archive
As we begin another year we're going to think about how God's grace transforms our whole existence - we realise that we are stewards not owners and our whole lives are to be lived as an act of gratitude and worship. This changes everything!
Relational conflict is one of the most painful things that comes into our lives. Scripture - and Proverbs in particular - has much wisdom to help us as we navigate interpersonal conflicts.
Our studies in 2 Peter will encourage us to hold on to faith, being on our guard against false teaching, all the while growing in the grace and knowledge of the Saviour.
In our Autumn evenings we're going to take our time to behold our wonderful Shepherd King who leads us, cares for us, and protects us now and forever.
In the first half of 2 Samuel we chart the rise of God’s anointed King, David. He looks like the man who can deliver on God’s promises of blessing. 2 Samuel 7 shows us that actually God has an even greater plan! The story of David will encourage us to look to God’s anointed King, Jesus, and see in him the provision of every blessing.
Five interviews with different people from the church where we get to hear something of their story and testimony. Each interview culminates in the person sharing their favourite Scripture and their favourite song/hymn and why - then we sing it togther.
In Revelation 2-3 we see the risen Jesus address seven churches. These churches were under great pressure from the hostile empire of their day. Some remained faithful, others were struggling in different ways. The seven letters challenge us to remain faithful to the risen Lord, even in a hostile culture.
A four part series, picking up some of the corporate psalms, considering how we can go deeper in prayer as a church and how we may practically apply them corporately as a church. Shaping how we respond in corporate praise, prayer, confession, lament and informing what we do in homegoups.
A four part series thinking about a Christian response to environmental issues.
A four part series looking at what it means to live as those who serve a risen Saviour.
A four part series looking at how the gospel addresses the topic of disability.
An expository series working through the great truths of Romans 8.
This series will be taking us through a Bible overview as we see God’s unfolding plan of salvation for the world.
In our evening services we will be looking at friendship with Jesus as ultimate and the template for our friendships but taking quite a lot of time to explore healthy Christian friendships.
Our first few evenings in the new quarter will address some big questions with which we often find ourselves confronted - science, suffering, and other religions. We’ll seek to provide some initial thoughts on how to address and answer such apologetics questions when they arise with our friends.
Paul’s letter to the Galatians gives us a wonderful exposition of the gospel, and justification by grace alone through faith alone. We see the true freedom that the gospel offers, and how to live in the light of that by the power of the Holy Spirit.
Exploring the message of the Old Testament prophet Zechariah - and how he gives us hope in the midst of a confusing world.
In our evening services we’re going to be thinking about the theology and practice of sung worship. Each week we’ll take a different theme, and we’ll also have evenings of prayer and praise and some more practical interviews and talks.
The book of Judges tells the story of Israel’s decline after entering the land. They turned away from the Lord and did what was right in their own eyes with disastrous consequences. The book of Judges shows us our need for a King who can bring his good rule to bear in our hearts.
As a church we’ve been thinking about our mission and our values. We also want to spend time thinking about our core ministry principles. This series will explore these helping us to think about how we do what we do, and the thinking behind these principles, so that we can flourish in the mission God has given us.
In 1 Corinthians 13:4-7 Paul spells out the power and beauty of love for his readers. This well-known description lifts our eyes up to the God who is love, and challenges us to live our lives in imitation of Him.
It only happens perhaps once in the lifetime of any church. So we didn't want to miss this opportunity to glean some really practical lifestyle wisdom from a senior pastor retiring after 40 years serving one church. In this series of four interviews, Ray gives practical advice about life in the home, life with the family, life in the workplace, life in church, life reaching the lost, lessons he’s learned and the things that he still holds most dear after a lifetime of ministry. Don’t miss this gold. View this series
Why does the church exist? What is our mission? And how should we live that our together. In this series we’ll be diving deeper into the church’s vision and values as presented and discussed at some of our recent church members’ meetings.
Paul’s prayers demonstrate godly priorities in what we are seeking from God. In this short series we’re going to see Paul pray that God’s people would know more of the Lord’s love, inheritance, wisdom and fruitfulness. These things powerfully shape our everyday living for Christ.
Paul writes to Timothy to instruct him (and the church) on their doctrine, life and priorities together. In this series we’re going to listen in to see what a healthy church looks like and how we can live out the gospel in our lives and community.
Nehemiah faced some serious opposition when he set about rebuilding the broken-down walls of Jerusalem. He prayed, he planned, he worked to bring people together, to stand strong and to carry on the project God had called him to complete.
In this series we’re going to be asking some big questions about the future, life after death, and eternity. We’ll be seeing how Jesus answers some of these questions in Luke’s gospel.
In this series we’re going to pick up our journey through Mark’s gospel. We’ll see the sort of King Jesus has come to be and the Kingdom he is establishing. Not only does it teach us more about who Jesus is, but also shows us the nature of true discipleship
The ten commandments were a summary statement of God’s gracious and life-giving words of instruction to his people. As we examine them today we’ll see how they teach us about holiness, life, flourishing, and our need of a Saviour.
In this series we’re continuing the series begun last year in the book of Exodus. As we look at Exodus 12-19 we’ll see the liberated people of God journeying towards Mount Sinai. We’ll see their doubts and struggles, and God’s merciful care and provision for these pilgrims taking their first steps towards the promised land.
Working our way through John’s gospel we will be seeing the way Jesus came to bring life to the world - and life in all its fullness.
In our summer evening series we are going to be considering how to navigate the various challenges of life with wisdom and with God as our refuge. The first twelve Psalms address many of these issues and give us the assurance that God is our strength and help as we seek to live for Him.
The Song is a celebration of love and intimacy. It describes a young couple in the anticipation and celebration of their marriage and the love they enjoy. In a world of confusion it’s a much needed message. The book also points to the perfection of love seen in the perfect bridegroom, Christ, for his bride, the Church. The book has much to teach us about the nature of true love, where it is found, and how it is to be enjoyed.
In this series we're looking at how Christians and a church family in particular need to be united together - what we must agree on, and what's ok to disagree about and how we do that. It's particularly thinking those issues through in the context of a very divisive and judgmental culture.
The short letter from Paul to his friend Philemon addresses the situation of a runaway slave who could face the wrath of his owner. Paul appeals to his friend, Philemon to treat Onesimus with grace, as a result of the grace we've received in Christ Jesus. The gospel draws people together and love gives us new ways to appreciate, welcome and serve one another. The gospel of grace doesn't just change the way we relate to God, but to one another also.
In this series we're going to spend time in the run up to Christmas beholding God's chosen and anointed servant, The Lord Jesus Christ, sent to rescue humanity from sin and its consequences. As we behold him our hearts will be warmed and drawn to worship Him for all he's done in coming as the light of the world
Peter writes to Christians going through a tough time, and tempted to perhaps give up. He encourages them to persevere, and to keep living distinctive lives which bear witness to the grace of God. This call isn’t easy, but with God’s help we can live for him through the most challenging seasons.
Paul’s letter to the Thessalonians gives us great comfort as believers, as well as showing us how to comfort one another. Paul shows his readers how we can love one another well today, in light of all that is coming tomorrow.
In this series we'll be thinking about the ways in which the gospel addresses the contemporary cultural debates around race and ethnicity.
Morning services will look at the sweep of the Bible's story - creation, fall, redemption, and new creation - and see God's multi-national plan for the kingdom.
Evening services will consider cultural ideas and discern how we engage with them as Christians.
Mark’s account of the life of Jesus shows us the one who came not to be served but to serve in giving his life as a ransom for many. As we look at some of the central chapters in Mark’s gospel we see with increasing clarity not just who Jesus is, but why he came.
Psalms 52-59 - These Psalms provide the individual and the community with the vocabulary to express ourselves to God as we navigate seasons of darkness. We might see them as cries of the hurting heart and the summoning of the will to trust, rather than the overflow of a happy or full heart. Sometimes we have to be honest with God in our struggle and summon our souls to praise and trust, even when we feel like everything is against us.
Four evenings looking at people God has used in remarkable ways across the globe, over the last couple of hundred years. A chance to lift our eyes up and out at what God has done (and is doing) across the globe.
Welcome to our ‘Gentle and Lowly’ series, inspired by Dane & Ortlund's book, 'Gentle and Lowly'.
Welcome to ‘Real Lives’ a series of interviews with people who have interesting stories to tell about their faith.
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